Saturday, October 4, 2008

Message from Ron Paul activist Billie

I compilied a list of the NY representatives who voted Yes and No in the recent Bailout Bill:

Gary Ackerman
Micheal Arcuri
Timothy Bishop
Yvette Clarke
Joseph Crowley
Eliot Engel
Vito Fossella
John Hall
Brian Higgins
Steve Israel
Peter King
*John Kuhl
Carolyn Maloney
Carolyn McCarthy
John McHugh
Micheal McNulty
Gregory Meeks
Jerrold Nadler
Charles Rangel
Thomas Reynolds
Louise Slaughter
Edolphus Towns
James Walsh
Anthony Weiner

Kirsten Gillibrand
Maurice Hinchey
Jose Serrano

*Changed vote from No to Yes

We need to send the Yes' a note saying that we are going to do everything in our power to make sure they are NOT re-elected next term.
This isn't about special interests, it's about our country!
The No's need to hear our sincere appreciation for sticking with the guns. I'm sure they received a ton of pressure to change their vote.

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