National Legislative Conference Call
In Cooperation With
The National Veterans Committee on Constitutional Affairs
(This call occurs every Tues. eve. @ 7:30 Eastern time.)
Hosted by Aaron Bolinger, Legislative Director of RTR & NVCCA, & Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator for RTR
ALL Legislative activists nationwide are encouraged to participate! Send this out to meet-ups and other blogs to encourage their participation as well.
Agenda, Sept. 30, 2008
7:30 Introductions
7:45 Guest Speaker #1: Delegate Bob Marshall, member, Virginia House of Delegates, with a Legislative Update & strategy discussion on Anti-Real ID legislation proposed for Virginia in the upcoming (’09) session.
8:30 Guest Speaker #2: Larry Parks, with legislative ideas and discussion on working within our states to fix the national economic situation. This will be a rather pointed expose of our current financial mess (“bailout,” etc.) with insight on how to talk to people about such things, elimination of the Federal Reserve System being the goal.
Dr. Lawrence Parks is the Executive Director of FAME (The Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education, see: www.fame.org ). After distinguished careers in business, academia, venture capital, and money management, Larry formed FAME, a 501c3 public charity, in 1995 to educate folks about the perils of legal tender irredeemable paper-ticket-electronic money and the benefits of an honest monetary system. He is the author of What Does Mr. Greenspan Really Think?,
To listen or call in see audio player on side bar.