Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Treasury Conference Call
This is an audio recording of the conference call with the US Treasury Department, giving information for financial analysts regarding the planned financial bailout legislation.
First Draft of Economic-Rescue Package
Fox Business
Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System
Bloomberg News
Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Declined 16.3% in July
Bloomberg News
China Banks told to halt lending to U.S. banks
Defeat REAL ID And Other Tyranny Web Conference Call
National Legislative Conference Call
In Cooperation With
The National Veterans Committee on Constitutional Affairs
(This call occurs every Tues. eve. @ 7:30 Eastern time.)
ALL Legislative activists nationwide are encouraged to participate! Send this out to meet-ups and other blogs to encourage their participation as well.
Agenda, Sept. 30, 2008
7:30 Introductions
7:45 Guest Speaker #1:
8:30 Guest Speaker #2:
Dr. Lawrence Parks is the Executive Director of FAME (The Foundation for the Advancement of Monetary Education, see: www.fame.org ). After distinguished careers in business, academia, venture capital, and money management,
Monday, September 22, 2008
REAL ID cards with RFID microchip tracking devices are being issued in New York
Leave comments to this post if you wish to get involved in the Defeat REAL ID in NY Citizen Lobby Campaign
Friday, September 12, 2008
Jim Rogers says you live in a communist country
“Anytime your money is controlled or invested in a large anything, large governments, large banks, large businesses, you’re gonna lose.” – Catherine Austin Fitts, former Wall Street banker and Assistant Secretary of HUD
Denial aint no river in Egypt and Americans are deep, deep in it.
In the recent past, American investor/financial commentator Jim Rogers has called for the abolishment of the US central bank, the federal reserve, on mainstream news channels. Of course, any central bank model is the antithesis of a free market and is fundamentally non-economic. Indeed, it is the source of all economic fraud in the US.
Rogers recently weighed in about the bailout of Freddie/Fannie which according to the Associated Press, overnight added nearly $5 TRILLION to the national debt.
“America’s more communist than China right now.
“You can see this is welfare for the rich, this is socialism for the rich. It’s bailing out the financiers, the BANKS, the WALL STREETERS. It’s not bailing out the homeowners who are in trouble.
BANK stocks around the world are going through the roof. That’s because they’ve all been bailed out.”
“It took 232 years to accumulate $9 trillion of debt and in July, we increased it by another $5 trillion by accepting responsibility for Fannie’s and Freddie’s debts.” Catherine Austin Fitts, former Wall Street banker
And so it goes. Wealthy people are financing their criminal schemes with OUR money reaping enormous profits and it is done under the leadership of the federal reserve and executed through ALL the large commercial banks.
Indeed, former wall street investment banker and Assistant Secretary of HUD has stated that EVERY large commercial banks IS engaged in mortgage fraud. She should know. It was her job in government to clean up mortgage fraud and waste.
Obviously then, if you bank at a large commercial bank you are saying “yes” to socialist criminal fraud and you are financing the destruction of communities and people’s wealth.
It’s even more sobering when you consider that a former World Bank economist has stated that " ‘we're going to see a whopper, a really big one’ - suggesting a big US bank is about to go belly-up.”
World must brace itself as the US banking sector 'fesses up' to losses
Thus, it is not even financially safe to bank with these banks.
As I wrote this I found a few days old example confirming again the thesis that these large banks are non-economic and fraudulent. This one involving JP Morgan criminal fraud at it again reaping enormous profits at the tax payers’ expense:
Facing federal probe, JPMorgan exits municipal swaps
The collapse of Freddie/Fannie and the thousands of foreclosures are symptoms of a disturbingly vast and complicated network of institutional fraud imbedded in the system.
There have been 8,000 foreclosures in my town of Brooklyn in this past year alone!
So far removed from fundamentally sound economics is the mortgage market that even Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge Arthur Schack has denied the bank foreclosures because they can not tell where the loans originated!
Fighting Foreclosure: Subprime Borrowers Battle (and Beat) Lenders in Court
I don’t know if you’re aware but there has been a quiet exodus out of the US by many upper middle class and wealthy people. They know the economy is only going to get worse.
But you won’t hear about any of this on CNN or FOX.
There is an alternative, a way to protect yourself financially and even make money on what Catherine Fitts calls “the slow burn”.
Your political vote will not save you as both the Republican and Democratic candidates have a pre-school understanding of the economy.
Rather, your vote in the marketplace is what will count for you and your family.
So you have a choice.
Vote for large, socialist government by continuing to invest your money in large corporate banks and lose your shirt or win by withdrawing your support from them, and invest in sound economic local banks, credit unions and even precious metals.
The slow burn is on. Time is of the essence. What will you do or not do?
Do you like living in a communist country?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Please Help the 9--11 First Responders
Many are being refused disability and/or Social Security benefits and they are too sick to continue working.
They need us America!
This is a life or death situation for these heroes who risked their lives for others!
Please give what you can at the FEALGOOD FOUNDATION, a small, humble
organization started by John Feal, a first responder who donated his kidney
to save another first responder's life.