Wednesday, May 14, 2008


- Minimum Document Requirements - To meet the requirements of this section, a State shall include, at a minimum, the following information and features on each driver's license and identification card issued to a person by the State:
(1) The person's full legal name.
(2) The person's date of birth.
(3) The person's gender.
(4) The person's driver's license or identification card number.
(5) A digital photograph of the person. [Biometrics]
(6) The person's address of principle residence.
(7) The person's signature.
(8) Physical security features designed to prevent tampering, counterfeiting, or duplication of the document for fraudulent purposes.
(9) A common machine-readable technology, with defined minimum data elements. [RFID microchip]
-Source: REAL ID Act, sec.202b

*“Computer and security experts around the globe have repeatedly gone on record stating that creating a single REAL ID standard will lead to even more rampant identity and asset theft.” -
Source: flyer published by Rep. Sam Rohrer, District 128, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Database connectivity: States would be required to provide electronic access to specific information contained in the motor vehicle database of the State to all other States.” – Source: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) draft regulations for REAL ID

*DHS can also “legally” access from this database information through the “Drivers Privacy Protection Act” (DPPA).

*“Centralizing personal data on one single REAL ID card guarantees convenient ‘one-stop shopping’ for any technologically-savvy identity thieves.” -
Source: flyer published by Rep. Sam Rohrer, District 128, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Requirments for identification cards: Digital Photograph: Section 202(b)(5) of the Act requires that the State-issued REAL ID license or identification card include a digital photograph of the person.” - Source: DHS draft regulations for REAL ID

*Linking databases with digital photos = facial recognition database.
*Electronic facial recognition = biometrics.

“Biometric authentication is the identification science of using physiological or behavioral characteristic of an individual (such as fingerprints, facial geometry, iris, blood vessel pattern in the retina, voice, signature, etc.) to attempt a confirmation of the identity for that individual ‘automatically’ with a high degree of certainty.” –
Source: American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) press release “Current and Ongoing Efforts – Biometrics”

“Information sharing is appropriate around the world, and DHS plans to create a ‘Global Security Envelope’ of internationally shared biometric data that would permanently link individuals with biometric ID, personal information held by governments and corporations.” –
Source: Robert Mocny, DHS

Comments: DHS invites comments on how States would or could incorporate a [Radio Frequency Identity Chips] RFID-enabled vicinity chip technology in addition to the REAL ID barcode requirement.” - Source: DHS draft regulations for REAL ID

“[The REAL ID Act] could include Radio Frequency Identity Chips (RFID) which already been incorporated into our United States Passports. These chips would allow a citizen to be tracked from a distance without his, or her, knowledge.” -
Source: flyer published by Rep. Sam Rohrer, District 128, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Official purpose’ of REAL ID:
“Definition of ‘official purpose’: Section 201(3) of the Act provides that the term ‘official purpose’ includes but is not limited to accessing Federal facilities, boarding Federally-regulated commercial aircraft, entering nuclear power plants, and other purposes that the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall determine.’
DHS, under the discretionary authority granted to the Secretary of Homeland Security under the Act, may expand this definition in the future.” -
Source: DHS draft regulations for REAL ID

-Estimated cost to states: $14.6 billion
-Estimated cost to individuals: Nearly $8 billion
Source: DHS draft regulations for REAL ID

*DHS estimated total cost to the American taxpayer = $23.1 billion

Join us:


DEFEAT REAL ID in Pennsylvania

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Vote with your money by withdrawing it from the federal reserve

Just observing the current happenings in
this country's economy we can see that it is being
manipulated or controlled by the central banks, the
recent U.S. taxpayers' bailout of J.P. Morgan by
the federal reserve for an elephant
in the room example.

So here is a perfect example of the American
people financing those who are robbing them.
Americans that bank with the large banks have
given financial support (helped pump blood to
the heart) to banking corporations that participated
and allowed the sub-prime crisis to happen
causing thousands to lose their homes.
So then the U.S. Treasury gives the private banks
or the very entities who were complicit, our
money to bail them out.
This is flooding the market with money and causes
inflation were we get hit fleeced a third
time by rising prices.

Ron Paul has repeatedly talked about
this in speeches and mainstream news interviews.

The Justice Department has said that
$500 Billion of drug and other illicit
money is laundered through the
federal reserve/corporate U.S. banks!

Money is power.

If you have money, then you have power.

Well, why don't we use it then?

If we give money to an institution,
we're giving it power.
But we're giving something power that
is draining and destroying us and our

If we withdraw our money from the large
banks we withdraw our support to a
criminal syndicate.

If we bank local on the other
hand, we support everything
that helps people and communities,
helps small businesses and farmers
the engine of our economy.
Helps prevent the devaluing of
our dollar or the destruction of
our savings.
Help switch from a centralized
wall street economy to decentralized
people oriented local economies.


Pennsylvania folks working to defeat REAL ID

Join us in defeating REAL ID:

RTR Pennsylvania

Defeat REAL ID in New York

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sami al-Hajj speaks of his Guantanamo ordeal

U.S. Marines Invade New York

Mid-Atlantic Conference Call!

Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

SPECIAL GUEST: Ben Grosscut from Bill of Rights Defense Committee!

Tues. Apr. 29, 2008

4:30 Pacific 5:30 Mountain 6:30 Central 7:30 Eastern
Everyone is welcome.

All state coordinators in the Mid-Atlantic Region
(SC, NC, NY, VA, WV, MD, DC, DE, NJ & PA) are EXPECTED to participate.
Invite coalition partners, post info about it around the boards, etc.

This call occurs every Tuesday

Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 14259#
Then: 1#

Join from your computer:

Just listen to the call, or hear recordings of past events

(Optional) Become a TalkShoe member

Remember the conference call each TUES. night @ 7:30 Eastern. Tis always a good time learning from each other, guest speakers show up when available, and it is quite uplifting growing from success stories. State coordinators should come to the call prepared to give us updates on their week’s activities; and activists will want to take notes on how to make things work in their neighborhoods as well.