Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Coming of Stagflation
Stagflation is a term in general use within modern macroeconomics used to describe a period of out-of-control price inflation combined with slow-to-no output growth, rising unemployment, and eventually recession.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
When: Saturday, December 15, 1:00 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
get your one world government on
policy where the bush administration
has not through the SPP working groups
rewritten our administrative laws and
regulations from being nature
to being North American in nature." - Jerome R. Corsi
he's talking about the merging of the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico under one
centralized umbrella of government,
better known as the
this means no more United States
and no more American constitution
as we'll be subjects under new laws.
proof that it is happening:
they've already been minting coins
for the new currency we will be
forced to use.
the currency is called the amero.
and making driver's licenses which
driver's will be forced to have.
Twenty-two members of the U.S. House of Representatives,
21 Republicans and a Democrat – are urging Bush to back
off his North American integration.
mainstream media lou dobbs is
up in arms about it.
read the government's own site
on it.
and then watch bush on
youtube chuckling that it's
not actually happening.
so what's it gonna be everyone . . .?
are we going out with a whimper?
Thursday, September 6, 2007
are aware of the corruption on all or
some level of government have a
hopeless outlook on the entire situation.
however, when americans take the time
to research the law and their rights as
acknowledged by the constitution,
they immediately become empowered and spring
into action.
this is happening all around the country
right now!
the video link here is an excerpt from a
televised town meeting in a small municipality
in the state of Oregon.
well, what's the big deal then?
the big deal is that the video has received
11,0000 hits around the country!
and its not even a month old.
because it is history in the making!
these american citizens understand power.
through their legal research
they have uncovered that . ..
the IRS, the gestapo wing of the federal reserve,
at the behest of our state and local municipalities
around the country, are illegally seizing american
citizens' businesses and property throughout the country
without allowing these folks their due process of law.
due process is one of our most fundamental
rights acknowledged by the constitution.
this is not communist china, right?
so this post is to demonstrate
that people are waking up and understanding
the power that they have and they are using
it. if americans choose to do this then
the situation is not hopeless.
but if americans continue to do nothing,
then, yes, it will be hopeless and
we are laying down the welcome met
for fascism.
but we need to understand our inherent rights
remember this is not a dictatorship, the
federal government can not dictate to the
people whatever they want.
it's whatever WE want.
for those in government are our public servants.
as the woman in the video boldly states:
the pecking order in this country is:
the people
the local gov.
the state gov.
the federal gov.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Senate blocks mandatory ID implants in employees
By Patrick McGreevy
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
August 31, 2007
Tackling a dilemma right out of a science fiction novel, the state Senate passed legislation Thursday that would bar employers from requiring workers to have identification devices implanted under their skin.
State Sen. Joe Simitian (D-Palo Alto) proposed the measure after at least one company began marketing radio frequency identification devices for use in humans.
The devices, as small as a grain of rice, can be used by employers to identify workers. A scanner passing over a body part implanted with one can instantly identify the person.
"RFID is a minor miracle, with all sorts of good uses," Simitian said. "But we shouldn't condone forced 'tagging' of humans. It's the ultimate invasion of privacy."
Simitian said he fears that the devices could be compromised by persons with unauthorized scanners, facilitating identity theft and improper tracking and surveillance.
The bill has been approved by the state Assembly and now goes to the governor.
Nine senators opposed the measure, including Bob Margett (R-Arcadia), who said it is premature to legislate technology that has not yet proved to be a problem. "It sounded like it was a solution looking for a problem," Margett said. "It didn't seem like it was necessary."
One company, VeriChip, has been licensed by the Food and Drug Administration to sell implanted identification devices, and about 2,000 people have had them implanted, Simitian said. A representative of the firm did not return calls seeking comment Thursday., a Cincinnati video surveillance company, has required employees who work in its secure data center to have a microchip implanted in an arm.
Similar technology has been used for years to help identify lost pets.
Meanwhile, the Assembly approved a bill that would allow Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca and other law enforcement officials to put thousands of inmates on detention in their homes, with electronic monitoring equipment attached to their ankles.
Baca sought the legislation to help relieve overcrowding in L.A. County jails and said he would assign about 2,000 inmates with low-level offenses to involuntary home detention if the governor signs the bill. Currently, inmates must volunteer for home detention. The Senate has passed the bill.
thanks to Crimes and Corruption of the New World Order News for article
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
$4.5b bet on another 9/11 within 4 weeks
* article from Crimes and Corruption of the New World Order News
"This is an enormous and dangerous stock option activity. If it goes right, the guy makes about $2 Billion. If he's wrong, his out of pocket costs for buying these options will exceed $700 Million!!! The entity who sold these contracts can only make money if the stock market totally crashes by the third week in September.
The fact that this latest activity by a single entity gambles on a complete collapse of the entire market by the third week in September, seems to indicate someone knows something really huge is in the works and they intend to profit almost $2 Billion within the next four weeks from whatever happens! This is really worrisome."
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Dow Plunges 300 on Mortgage Concerns
Is this U.S. runaway debt economy about to go under?
Protect yourself, get out of debt!
"A move by the European Central Bank to provide more cash to money markets intensified Wall Street's angst. Although the bank's loan of more than $130 billion in overnight funds to banks at a low rate of 4 percent was intended to calm investors, Wall Street saw it as confirmation of the credit markets' problems. It was the ECB's biggest injection ever.
The Federal Reserve added a larger-than-normal $24 billion in temporary reserves to the U.S. banking system.
The ECB's injection of money into the system is an unprecedented move, said Joseph V. Battipaglia, chief investment officer at Ryan Beck & Co., adding that it shows that problems in subprime lending are, in fact, spilling into the general economy."
Monday, August 6, 2007
fear & loathing in the fixed income housing market
markets are manipulated.
the little people get f'd.
before you view jim cramer on
cnbc go nuts with rage as
he explains how bad the fixed income
mortgage market collapse really is saying,
thousands of people are losing
their homes,
a quick view of the facts will
review the extent of how this
was purposely orchestrated and
everything is going as planned.
it's not rocket science.
bloomberg news says this about
two of the martgage investment co.
that went bankrupt or are about to:
"Bids from investors for American Home's loans began falling this year after defaults on U.S. subprime mortgages rose to the highest level since 2002. Investors were concerned that lax underwriting standards and growing fraud might lead to rising defaults on Alt-A loans."
"NovaStar specializes in subprime loans to people with the worst credit records. Overdue payments on those mortgages nationwide reached the highest level since 2002 during the first quarter. More than 70 mortgage companies have halted operations or sought buyers since 2006."
hey but good news for the big wigs
at bear sterns:
"In 2006, the top 5 officers, including the President who was just fired (but gets to keep the money) made $1.25 million in salaries, $71.5 million in bonuses, $61.5 million in stock awards (the stock is dropping) and $21.6 million in other compensation. That is a total of $155.9 million."
-excerpt from solari blog-
Thursday, August 2, 2007
2008 will be another stolen election
to me, that's treason.
"Democratic senators on Wednesday made another push for banning electronic voting machines that lack paper trails, but they've backed away from doing so in time for next year's presidential election."
cnet news article here . .
thanks to crooks & liars blog
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
enforcement agent folks!
this is not funny anymore .. .
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
the troops want out
recently conducted a polling form 5,440 of their members
wherein 60% of them said
the United States should withdraw
its troops from Iraq now or by the end of 2008.
adding more fuel to the fire is the fact that congressman ron paul,
a vocal proponent of withdrawal, has surpassed the war mongering front runners in financial support by employees of the military to his presidential candidacy.
this is according to the federal election commission's july quarterly figures on
contributions to presidential campaigns by the military.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Bush To Veto Ban On Mercury In Vaccines
President Bush is to veto a bill that would ban mercury in flu vaccines for children despite its known links to autism and other neurological disorders and despite the fact that he pledged in 2004 to support such a move when campaigning for re-election.
view article from
Thursday, July 19, 2007
fed chair ben bernanke says ron paul is right on the money
new federal reserve chair agrees with ron paul that
the debt based system of government orchestrated and controlled
by the federal reserve is unsustainable.
yea, well what are you gonna do about it ben?
are you going to publicly endorse ron's house resolution
to abolish your criminal organization?
fat chance.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
reality be settin' in
it's clear all the republican front runners and Hillary
are show ponies for the neo-conservatives.
there's only one alternative that the junk mainstream media
refuses to recognize as his campaign has been
continually on an upswing --
ron paul, baby!

Sunday, June 24, 2007
9/11 jersey widows action follow-up to petition
Please call and/or fax the following people. Tell them it is of the utmost importance to the future safety of the American public that the CIA Inspector General's Report on September 11th be released immediately!
The White House
Comments: (202) 456-1111 - Fax (202) 456-2461
DNI Mike McConnell
Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Washington, DC 20511
(703) 733-8600
General Michael Hayden, Director CIA
(703) 482-0623 - Fax (703) 482-1739
Members of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee 2007-2008
Democrats John D. Rockefeller IV, W. Virginia Chairman (202) 224-6472 - Fax (202) 224-7665 Dianne Feinstein, California (202) 224-3841 - Fax: (202) 228-3954 Ron Wyden, Oregon (202) 224-5244 Evan Bayh, Indiana (202) 224-5623 Barbara A. Mikulski, Maryland (202) 224-4654 Russell D. Feingold, Wisconsin (202) 224-5323 - Fax (202) 224-2725 Bill Nelson, Florida (202)-224-5274 - Fax (202) 228-2183 Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island (202) 224-2921 - Fax (202) 228-6362 | Republicans Christopher S. Bond, Missouri Vice-Chairman (202) 224-5721 John Warner, Virginia (202) 224-2023 - Fax (202) 224-6295 Chuck Hagel, Nebraska (202) 224-4224 – Fax (202) 224-5213 Saxby Chambliss, Georgia (202) 224-3521 – Fax (202) 224-0103 Orrin Hatch, Utah (202) 224-5251 - Fax (202) 224-6331 Olympia J. Snowe, Maine (202) 224-5344 – Fax (202) 224-1946 Richard Burr, North Carolina (202) 224-3154 - Fax (202) 228-2981 |
Muckraker Report
Ed and ELaine Brown
to one another - our stories,
our knowledge.
there is no law that requires
u.s. citizens to pay income taxes.
as is their inherent right,
ed and elaine brown have refused to comply with a non-law.
we need to listen to ed & elaine brown.
ABC press conference while federal marshalls
have surrounded their house:
resolution to abolish the federal reserve
H.R. 2755:
To abolish
the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System
And the Federal reserve.
if you're unsure why this is an astounding thing for a politician
to do or why the federal reserve system is at the root of our
decaying country
Sunday, June 10, 2007
june 11th - 9-11 TRUTH
coordinated en masse action on the 11th of every month!
serving notice to the media/government about 9-11 truth!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Iran to Israel: Don't Attack Lebanon
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
the government will have you all microchipped by May 11, 2008
do you want to be microchipped so the government can track your every move and store all private information about you in a secret database?
then don't accept this law which calls for all citizens to have a national ID card embedded with an RFID chip.
this is how bad it is .....
"At least 33 states are pushing for laws or resolutions blocking the program, the Senate recently held hearings on its implications for civil liberties, and the Department of Homeland Security's own privacy department gave the initiative the thumbs-down."
go here
to get e-mail of your representatives
staffers - it'll get to them quicker this way.
tell them you oppose this unconstitutional law.
Dear Senator Lautenberg,
I firmly oppose bill HR418
or the REAL ID ACT which
was recently signed into
This law violates the 4th
amendment of the constitution
and is a violation of state's
i demand that you immediately
make moves to repeal this
law and stand up for your
Thank you,
Sunday, May 20, 2007
ron aserts himself
congressmen or presidential
candidates are talking like this?
please tell me ..
please ...
and here, embarrissingly,
the talking head anchor man
does not know the president
does not have the constitutional
authority to declare war!
(fact: most u.s. wars were
not declared by congress)
Friday, May 18, 2007
is proud to announce a week-long festival broadcast
honoring the musical genius of Sam Rivers, airing continuously
for 175 hours from 12:00 PM Friday May 18th
until 9:00 PM Friday May 25th.

also . . . .
with Dave Holland (bass) & Barry Altschul (drums)
5/25/07 8:00 PM, Miller Theatre (2960 Broadway @ 116th St.)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
why are sheen and rosie so upity?
the best 9-11 film i've ever seen.
this will surely blow your mind!
want to know what all the hubbub is
concerning what loud-mouthed rosie is