Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cele Castillo Headed to Prison & Needs Your Help

Folks this guy is an American hero who sacrificed his
career and risked his life to expose CIA & DEA drug

Vietnam veteran and former DEA agent Celerino 'Cele' Castillo III is getting ready to serve a 22
month jail sentence. Listen to Cele tell his side of the story in this exclusive telephone interview with Kevin Booth, recorded July 15, 2009.

MP3 Link: http://www.sacredcow.com/cele_715.mp3

Cele needs all the media attention he can get, so please pass this on to whoever you can. You can donate to Cele's legal fund at his website - http://powderburns.info

This is only the latest twist in the long story of Cele's life, known to many from "American Drug War" and his auto-biography "Powderburns". For more info on the case, read Bill Conroy's report from The Narcoshpere on NarcoNews.com: http://narcosphere.narconews.com/notebook/...-federal-prison

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