Nation-wide Legislative Conference Call
In Cooperation With
The National Veterans Committee on Constitutional Affairs
(This call occurs every Tues. eve. @ 7:30 Eastern time.)
Hosted by
ALL Legislative activists nationwide are encouraged to participate!
E-Mail-FORWARD this out to meet-ups, your state lists, and others to encourage their participation as well. Always potential for a last-minute guest speaker too!
Agenda, June 23, 2009
Activists in the State of
Tonight we are focusing our call on implementing this unique strategy – one being ignored even by many 911 Truth groups nationwide.
Calling for the federal government to investigate itself is RIDICULOUS! (Who would be allowed to sit on a jury where they were the accused?) The Principle/Agent (States/Federal Govt./) relationship dictates that the principles (states) should investigate the actions of their agents (feds) where 911 is concerned.
If you are concerned about the liberties lost since 9-11-01 in the name of the “war on terror,” this will be a call you don’t want to miss! Real ID, Patriot Act, and many other constitutionally-devoid items of legislation hang on the 571 page lie from Keen-Hamilton, et. al. Knock the legs from under that, and these other laws fall with them!
We have a similar set of strategies in place for
Keep the focus on our packages of ready-to-go items of model legislation, issue briefs, etc. See the “documents” page on for the downloads (including our 911 State Investigations booklet and video geared for state legislators).
Pick your favorite subject, drill down on it, and run with the info. Videos teaching about the state legislative process, and showing some of our campaigns, can be found on the “media” page of the site, along with several videos geared toward state legislators on assorted subjects. Order DVD’s direct from on many legislative subjects (more coming soon).
Each person involved in our activities should become an “expert” on one or more of these issues. When a team converges on the state house, with several issues, each person then multiplies their presence with the others. Don’t try to educate a legislator on “hard money” (for example), unless you thoroughly understand the subject, and can answer questions. Drill down on YOUR favorite subject(s), become well versed in it (them), and THEN start working as a teacher for your representative on those subjects for which you can present the material in a comprehensive manner.
These are our primary documents being used to teach state legislators about their rights and duties. The goal is distribution of ONE DVD video, and ONE booklet to EACH of
This is the call to keep up on all the events & materials we are making available for you to use, and what is going on in our states and activist centers. Educating state legislators is our mission. Good leadership in our states is the key to making it happen. This call is for YOU!
All state coordinators for RTR & the
The National Legislative Conference Call is open to all, and helps train those in the movement for positive political action at the state and local levels on a number of issues (money, Real ID, 911 Truth, and many more). RTR and
Invite coalition partners, post info about it around the boards, etc.
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 14259#
Join the or just listen to the call, or hear recordings of past events
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