Friday, August 29, 2008

Charlie Parker

Bird Lives!

Hear the genius and his music . .

Charlie Parker Birthday Broadcast on WKCR.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FDA is dangerous to our health

OCA & CFS Slam FDA's Bogus Move To Irradiate Lettuce and Spinach
Oraganic Consumers Association

Carbon Monoxide In Fresh Meat Packaging
Healthy Living

There is an alternative . . .
Getting your food from a local farmer's market or food co-op:

Local Harvest

World must brace itslef as the US banking sector 'fesses up' to losses

London Telegraph

by: Liam Halliagan

"Over the coming months, US banks will have to increase their loan loss provisions even more - which, of course, will further depress their share prices and ability to raise new capital. That's why a major banking crisis is brewing.

I don't say this lightly, but up to 100 US banks could go bust over the coming year. Many of them will be small, but some could be large. Last week, Harvard Professor Ken Rogoff, a former IMF chief economist and Fed insider, said "we're going to see a whopper, a really big one" - suggesting a big US bank is about to go belly-up. Conventional wisdom has it that America's well developed system of deposit insurance will shield savers from any losses. But the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has assets of only $50bn, while the combined assets of the banks in danger total around $900bn."

Thursday, August 21, 2008

CNBC Reports Wachovia Poised On Failing

“Anytime your money is controlled or invested in a large anything,
large governments, large banks, large businesses, you’re gonna lose.”
– Catherine Austin Fitts

Merrill, Wachovia in Danger of Failing: Strategist

there is an alternative --
to bank at a sound LOCAL bank

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is the U.S. Mainstream Media Lying?

Civilians on the ground say Georgia attaked first NOT Russia. . .

thanks to

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is there vote fraud in your district?


Provide specifics from 2007 or later, with credible links, news articles, or documents
for any of the CRITERIA below. Send your recommendation for Watch List location
by e-mail to: Or you can post what you have online here: (if you aren't registered
to post, use above link)

We will add Watch List locations throughout the fall. The earlier you submit your
recommendations, the better.


Counties and municipalities are assigned to the 2008 Black Box Voting election protection
"Watch List" when we get reasonably recent specifics demonstrating any
of the following:

- History of significant anomaly in election results
- History of ignoring election law
- History of election official lying to the public
- Impossible numbers or ballot/results reconciliations missing or significantly
- Significant obstruction of freedom of information requests
- History of corruption/indictments. Think it doesn't happen? Think again. Two
of the Watch List election officials have been indicted for embezzlement in the
past 90 days.

- This year, any place still using ES&S iVotronics. These voting machines are
so demonstrably flawed and in most locations, so entirely vendor-dependent that
any election using them should be repudiated as "void" by the public.
Click the Texas Watch List map on the home page if you want to know more.


1. Customized citizen watchdog assignments for volunteers

2. See Web site - Watch List locations displayed on colored maps on home page: for media and the public to see

3. Press releases to local media at Watch List locations

4. Increased Freedom of Information requests to Watch List locations

5. Stepped-up daily monitoring by Black Box Voting

6. Sharing of Watch List locations with other election integrity groups. public
interest groups, and whatever political group cares to know

If you want to get our Watch List bulletins, and you haven't already done this,
you can get the latest bulletins sent by joining the list here:

Article currently linked on home page of We have been exposing
this for SIX YEARS. The problem isn't, as the New York Times says, that "no
one knew" there were problems. The problem is that the elections industry has
been involved in a coverup. See Tool Kit, Section 5, for the truth about Election

- Your right to sovereignty over your government will not be honored.
- 99 percent of the votes will be counted in secret on computers controlled by government
insiders and vendors.
- Your right to Freedom of Information will not be honored.
- You will be unable to ascertain that chain of custody is intact.
- It's too late to resolve these problems for 2008.
- It's not too late for partial solutions.
- It's not too late to collect important circumstantial evidence to assess the
accuracy of the election.

Most places are going to refuse to make any improvements of any kind before November,
even though there are meaningful things election officials can do, which are described
in Tool Kit 2008.

We've been telling you the straight story for six years. This is the hand America
has been dealt for November. Tool Kit 2008 will help you and your group work with
the hand we've been dealt.

It's time to get off the defense and come out swinging. Black Box Voting analyzed
trends from over 20,000 incident reports and news articles to develop the free TOOL
KIT 2008, to let you know what to look for in 2008. Quite a bit of it is new, different
than 2004. Tool Kit 2008 is available in free, hard copy "pocket guide"
form - e-mail with your name and mailing address if you'd
like one sent to you. You can also download at

* * * * *

You know what? In 2004, even though Black Box Voting proved voting machine tamperability,
and got it covered twice in major spreads in the New York Times and on television
with Howard Dean, (Aug. & Sept. 2004) no one took this seriously until AFTER
the election. Then they wanted us to fix the barn door after the horses got out!

Black Box Voting proved undeniably, in 2005 and 2006 with our groundbreaking "Hursti
Hack" projects, that these machines are OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Our work was featured
in an Emmy-Nominated HBO Documentary, "Hacking Democracy". Request this
DVD with a $50 donation, which will help us cover costs for election protection
work. It's powerful, it will open eyes for people you show it to.

The #1 most critical thing we can get RIGHT NOW is Freedom of Information documents.
They cost money. We can buy copies or we can arrange for inspections -- cheaper!
Therefore you can donate to buy copies of the Freedom of Information documents we
need, or you can volunteer to do an inspection for us. It's like the race car
and the driver, you can't get far without BOTH.

Just pick one thing and do it. Just do something. Do enough.

START WITH THIS: If you know of problems in a location, report specifics and recommend
it for the Watch List. If you can volunteer to inspect records, e-mail

If you can donate, hit the link:
Or mail check:
Black Box Voting
330 SW 43rd St Suite K
PMB 547
Renton WA 98057

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Rohrer Takes A Stand Against Biometrics & REAL ID

PA State Rep. Sam Rohrer explains the tyranny of biometrics face scanning as is already being illegally carried out by PA Department of Transportaiton.

This is what REAL ID is all about folks and this is how all our state respresentatives should be behaving.

Catherine Austin Fitts CENSORED!

Pacifica Station Blacklists Commentator on Business & Economics
by: Sam Smith

Call and demand Catherine be reinstated:

Station phone -510-848-4425

Lemlem Rijio, Interim General Manager, ext 255

Sasha Lilley, Interim Program Director, ext 209